


Designs and Codes

April 11-18, 2010

Participants are invited to submit a contribution for a dedicated volume of the Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC). AMC is covered in Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC&ES) ISI Alerting Services, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Math Reviews, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt. The review process will be according to the standards of AMC. Every participant is kindly invited to prepare a contribution.

To submit a contribution please prepare an article and send a pdf file to the organisers of the conference. After acceptance you have to prepare a final version according to the guidelines of AMC. Please submit the article as early as possible. Deadline for submission is the last day of the conference.
Each participant will receive a copy of the volume. So please keep us informed about your current address.

University of Bayreuth -